The Future of Your Only Child

One-child households have doubled in the past two decades, making them the fastest growing family unit in America. In The Future of Your Only Child author Carl Pickhardt examines the particular dynamics of one-child households, with its own set of opportunities and potential challenges.  Understanding these things prepares parents to soften the difficulties only children can face, and to celebrate their unique qualities.

The book can also be of help to other parents. As the author points out, your first child is, for a time, an only child. Pickhardt is a big believer in the importance of birth order, and only children share many qualities with first-born children. As the oldest child, I resonated with this discussion, and believe my parents would too. Interestingly, they share a number of qualities with last-born as well.  An informative parenthood book for first time parents to be, parents who have one child, those who are considering stopping at one, and anyone interested in the dynamics of only children.

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